Monday, January 19, 2009

brink of death

Man must be the worst of luck today as i was driving of to my course , i was chit chatting and crapping with my frens and suddenly a red car came out from no where and straight into my path, my friend shouted and (using my lightning fast reflexes >.<) turn the steering well over to the other side just to avoid being knock into. Lucky i avoided any head on collision with that idiot driver, how could anyone drive 50-60km/h in a housing area, so thats why his a retard asshole.

The drama doesn't end yet, i guess this asshole has some attitude problem or his having PMS >.> i thought that was it but no....he had to turn around and chase me for 500m , my car wasn't suppose to outrun him so i had only one choice left, i slow down and let him cut me. He stopped his car in front of me walk to me , and gave me some crappy malay which i was suppose to understand, (in which he rapped so fast i couldnt get a word from him) and a few speech he eventually cool down and left.... yea in the process we had to apologize for his stupidity for driving so fast in a corner.

Oh well now i'm having corner-phobia , who knows when some idiot would speed out from no where and crash into me. Time to be more attentive to those retards...

crap - emo mood

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